meet your coach

Welcome! I’m Dr. K.

I am a queer, feminist coach and educator based in Cleveland, OH. I offer one-on-one coaching sessions, workshops, and retreats that foster individual and collective empowerment in order to bring about lasting, sustainable social change. 

My goal is to empower activists, writers, artists, and rebels of all stripes to engage in personal evolution in service of the revolution. Trained in feminist and queer studies, disability studies, and critical ethnic studies, I provide affordable, effective coaching from a brain-based, holistic, social justice perspective.

I believe that personal transformation is key to collective liberation. My mission is to help individuals reclaim your magic in order to become the change you want to see in the world.

my story

Another World Coaching was born after I made the decision to transition away from an academic research career in order to focus on what matters most to me: social justice, building community, and helping other people discover the magical gifts they have to share with the world.

After spending ten years in academia, the idea of starting over was daunting to say the least. Today, I’m living a more joyful, creative, and connected life than I ever thought was possible. Read more about why I coach and my journey from academia to coaching.

I hold a coaching certification from The NeuroLeadership Institute and a PhD in American Studies with a concentration in Feminist Studies from the University of Minnesota.

Originally from Seattle, by way of Brooklyn, Philly, Chicago, and Minneapolis, I currently live in Cleveland Heights with my partner and our two cats, Virginia and Gertrude.



a few fun facts about me

  • I feel a strong affinity toward the west coast, although I also lived on the east coast for eight years and am now happily making the midwest my home.

  • I love the ocean, the mountains, and the desert, and my favorite travel spots include Joshua Tree National Park and the San Juan Islands.

  • I’m a big fan of tarot and astrology as tools for reflection and personal growth. (In case you’re wondering, I’m a Taurus sun, Libra moon, and Virgo rising.)

  • I’m a proud Hufflepuff who previously misidentified as a Ravenclaw — more on that here. (Requisite disclaimer: I don’t support TERFs. I do believe that art must be separated from the flawed human vessels through which it is channeled.)

  • When I’m not coaching or teaching, you can often find me plotting against the patriarchy, reading young adult literature, playing board games, baking, or having dance parties in my living room.

a note on positionality

As a queer cis white woman living on the traditional homelands of the Mississauga, Erie and Osage, I come to this work with a critical self-awareness about my positionality as well as a commitment to using the power and privilege I have to dismantle white supremacy, settler colonialism, and heteropatriarchy. As someone with able bodied privilege who has struggled with chronic illness including depression and anxiety, I strongly believe that our social movements must prioritize the needs and experiences of people with mental and physical disabilities, particularly queer, trans, and nonbinary BIPOC (Black/Indigenous People of Color).

In my work as a teacher and coach, I endeavor to center the experiences of multiply marginalized groups and individuals, while pushing my students, clients, and myself to challenge the systems of power that uphold injustice and inequality. Knowing that my own experience and viewpoint is inevitably limited, I bow to the many teachers who have shared their perspectives and wisdom with me, and I welcome any and all feedback about how I can be a better ally/accomplice to social justice movements.

what I stand for


intersectional feminism

queer & trans liberation


immigrant rights

racial justice


environmental justice

indigenous sovereignty


disability justice



body positivity

self love

Art credit: Cristy C. Road